Hannes Jónsson
Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Iceland, w. research activity at the
the Science Institute
Education and training:
- B.S. in Chemistry, University of Iceland, 1980
- Ph.D., University of California San Diego, 1985 (advisor John H. Weare).
- Post-doc, Stanford University, 1986-1988 (advisor Hans C. Andersen).
- University of Washington, Assistant / Associate Professor of Chemistry 1988-1998.
- University of Washington, Professor 1999-2005.
- University of Iceland, Professor 2000-.
Other professional appointments:
- University of Washington, Adjunct Professor, Physics Department 1994-2005.
- University of Washington, Adjunct Professor, Materials Sci. and Engineering Dpt. 1994-2005.
- Pacific Northwest Natl. Labs, Affiliate Staff Scientist, Richland, WA 1994-2005.
- Technical Univ. of Denmark, Physics Department, Visiting Professor 1995-1996.
- Technical Univ. of Denmark, Physics Department, Visiting Professor 2004.
- Adjunct Professor,
Chemistry Department, Brown University, Providence RI, 2005-.
- SLAC/Stanford, SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis, Visiting Professor 2010.
- Aalto University, Finland Distinguished Professor
in Applied Physics Dpt. 2013-2016.
- Adjunct Professor, Applied Physics Department,
Aalto University, Finland 2018-2023.
- Ulam scholar, at the
Center for Nonlinear Studies
at Los Alamos 2017-2018.
- Otto Moensted scholar, at the
Department of Energy Conversion and Storage
of the Technical University of Denmark 2018.
- Van Arkel Distinguished Guest Professor, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University.
Articles in scientific journals
- Google Scholar
lists >80000 citations to these articles and H-index >70.
Citations listed by Scopus.
Computational science teaching award
article in IEEE Computational Science & Engineeering), 1995.
On editorial board of the ACS surface science journal
Jan 1997-2000
Director of Chemistry Division, Science Institute of the Univ. of Iceland 2005-2011
On editorial board of the Elsevier journal
'Surface Science'
Jan 2004-2009
On editorial board of the journal 'Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics'
Member of the
advisory board of the 'Exascale Catalytic Chemistry (ECC)' project
organized by Sandia Labs. in Livermore, 2018-2024.